How It's Made It starts with the Trees…..and someone who loves the process of syrup making Drill and Insert Tap Connect Taps to Tubingand connect to the sap transport tubing network Sap flows through transport tubing Tubing Network Tubing carries sap to holding tank Sap is pumped into transport tank Transporting Sap to Sugar House Sap is pumped into the holding tank at Sugar House Sap then travels to the RO Room During the Reverse Osmosis process, the sap has water removed. After RO Process, concentrate goes to upstairs holding tank Concentrated sap goes through evaporator and becomes syrup! Syrup is measured for proper sugar content Syrup goes through filter press to remove impurities Syrup is measured for grading Syrup is pumped into barrels. This is the process of turning Maple Syrup into Maple Sugar Pumping the hot maple syrup into a freshly poured bourbon barrel